Winter lingcod action heats up

In between winter storms, we have experienced some of the best lingcod fishing of the year recently out of Brookings, as fish have moved into shallow water to prepare to spawn. We have run a handful of ocean charters in recent weeks, with good success for lingcod, black and blue rockfish and canary rockfish.

Limits of lingcod in November aboard the Miss Brooke.
Capt. Andy Martin holds a Smith River king salmon caught the day before Thanksgiving on a MagLip plug.

We will continue to run ocean charters as the weather allows this winter.

We also are running salmon and steelhead river trips from the drift boats on the Chetco and Smith rivers. With little rain this fall, the Chetco has been closed, but the Smith has had a few openers, with good salmon fishing. A big storm is expected this week, and an opening is anticipated on the Chetco.

To learn more about river trips, visit or call (541) 813-1082.