Fishing Reports
Lingcod, rockfish biting off of Brookings

The 2020 ocean lingcod and rockfish season out of the Port of Brookings is off to a good start. The Brookings Fishing Charters fleet was the first charter company in Brookings to begin running charters this year, and the Miss Brooke, Papa B and ‘Bout Time have already run several dozen trips. When the weather is nice, fishing has been good, with limits of lingcod and rockfish. During rough weather days, rockfish are still biting well, but catch rates for lingcod have dropped.

Overall, lingcod fishing has been good this season. There are big numbers of smaller male lingcod in shallow water, preparing to spawn. These fish are abundant and aggressive, and readily bite baits and jigs when the swell settles down. During a big swell, they hunker down and are somewhat more reluctant to bite. We have been catching lingcod as close at Chetco Point and south of the harbor, but generally are doing best between Bird Island and Mack Arch. We have already ventured to Mack Arch and Arch Rock several times this season.

Limits for rockfish and lingcod are unchanged for 2020. We can keep five rockfish a day, with any combination of black, blue and canary rockfish. Two lingcod a day may also be kept, in addition to the rockfish. The minimum size of lingcod remains 22 inches.
Ocean salmon season is expected to open in May. Final seasons will be set by the PFMC and ODFW in April. Pacific halibut season opens in May. We should start to see California halibut in early July. Brookings Fishing Charters Capt. Andy Martin was very successful at finding the CaliHali in 2019 near Brookings.

We are now offering daily trips, as the weather allows, aboard the Miss Brooke, Papa B, The Dash, ‘Bout Time and guide sled. In March and April, trips will depart between 7 and 7:30 a.m. We will bump up the time in May.

For daily fishing report updates, please visit our Facebook page, with is updated regularly by Capt. Andy.
To book a fishing charter, please visit our online calendar at or call (541) 813-1082.

By popular demand, we have posted our favorite fish and chip recipes. Here is the beer battered fish and chips.
Here is the fish taco recipe.